2012 April Meeting: Late praise for organic with no age statement

The April meeting was held at the rear of the restaurant at the Transcontinental Hotel Roma Street Brisbane of Tuesday 24th.  A change in management of the hotel led to the re-location downstairs from upstairs.

Ardbeg (Photo credit: larsomat)

The meeting was well attended with several guests of Filip.

Our enjoyment started with an Old Pultney 17 y/o single malt at 46% alcohol.  This was a definite step up from the 12 y/o version.  It is a straw colour but strong on the nose and has a lingering taste.
We followed up with a Benromach Organic unaged single malt of 43%. This was a dark bronze colour and had hints of peat and bourbon with a good after taste.
The final taste was the Ardbeg Uigeadail, no age single malt, non chill filtered at 53% alcohol.  Again a dark bronze clouring with a strong alcohol and iodine nose and a long taste.  This is a big drop and should be taken in company or only by seasoned tipplers, don’t do this at home kids.

The consensus of the evening was for the Old Pultney which logged consistent numbers.  The Ardbeg was second with a very wide spread of numbers with some loving it and some very ambivalent about the strength.  Interestingly the Benromach Organic malt gained late praise and seemed to improve the longer it sat.  Congratulations to Filip on presenting three very fine tastings.

Some late information for all recipients is that when you drink Vodka over ice, it can give you kidney failure, when you drink Rum over ice, it can give you liver failure, when you drink whiskey over ice, it can give you heart problems and when you drink Gin over ice, it can give you brain problems. Apparently, ice is really bad for you. Warn all your friends
